About Us

RusMexInvest is a consultancy dedicated exclusively to the development of investment opportunities between Russia and Mexico.

We offer a wide range of services related to Mexico-Russia investment, including market studies, business administration support, and

business development strategies, both for Mexican investors seeking to enter the Russian market, and Russian investors interested in Mexico.

Globalization drives much of the business in today’s world. Russia and Mexico enjoy two of the world’s most quickly developing economies. This creates potential for many unique business opportunities. Although sound business, political and cultural relationships already exist between Mexico and Russia, there is still great potential to grow these relationships, making them deeper, closer and more mutually beneficial.

RusMexInvest’s clients are medium to large companies committed to expanding their markets, increasing production, exporting or importing their products and services, or simply broadening their product lines.

RusMexInvest’s competitive advantages are a deep, first-hand knowledge of the Mexican and Russian markets, international quality work product, and full legal support as needed, all of which make our services sound and reliable. We work in collaboration with the law firm Torres Lindsey Abogados and other specialized firms, depending on the client’s needs and requirements.